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Facilities at the Tauhara Centre

The Tauhara Centre has a number of diverse indoor and outdoor spaces available for guests, among which a meeting room, hall, common room (lounge), library and dining room. This range of meeting spaces is available to suit the requirements of your large or smaller group. For more information, or to make a booking enquiry, please contact us.

An overview of our  facilities is as follow:

 Main Hall, with a seating capacity of 130 people.
This hall is perfect for presentations and meetings.


Common Room, with a seating capacity of 40 people.
This room, or lounge, is often used for workshops or simply as a relaxing area for groups.


Meeting Room, with a seating capacity of 25 people.
This lounge is set apart from the main building and has a panoramic view over the Lake


Dining Room, with a seating capacity of 95 people.
This beautiful, light room with large double-glazed windows is perfect for dining, but is also used as extra space for groups to use.


Library, which is generally not used for meetings or counselling.
Our Library is often used for browsing or study by group participants during their stay. It is also open for casual and local visitors.

Library tauhara conference retreat

Sanctuary, always open for silent meditation
This beautiful seven sided building, with views over the lake, is used for silent meditation.

Sanctuary Tauhara Silent Meditation Space

Grounds and bush tracks
Enjoy the stunning views and beautiful nature while wandering around our grounds. An inspiring series of tracks offer varying walks with points for solitude, reflections and scenic vistas.



We have different resources available on request, like sound system, whiteboards and a data projector, to use with your laptop. 

We have diverse WiFi plans available for guests, starting from $2.

More information

For more information, please contact us. We are happy to answer your questions.

Would you like to receive more information? We will be happy to send you our Guest Information Folder by e-mail.